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Understanding NA Meetings: How Narcotics Anonymous Works

narcotics anonymous vs alcoholic anonymous

An essential component of 12-step programs is that alcoholics or other drug abusers help one another to stay clean and sober. These programs are built on the principle that a recovering alcoholic or addict can altruistically and effectively help a fellow alcoholic or addict to gain or maintain sobriety. Members openly talk about their struggles and successes and develop problem-solving skills, as well as friendships with others, comforted in the knowledge that they are not alone in their plight. My review involved samples very similar in composition to Kelly and Myers (2007). In my review, 4 studies sampled fewer than 100 subjects, 7 studies sampled 100–199 subjects, 5 studies sampled 200–600 subjects, and 3 studies sampled over 600 subjects.

New Review Finds Alcoholics Anonymous Is Effective, But Not For Everyone

Here at Northpoint Recovery, we recognize the fact that AA and NA are both important. Both of these organizations have been instrumental in people’s lives. In fact, there are many people who feel they could never have recovered from their addictions without them. Even so, it’s important to recognize the fact that a solid drug or alcohol rehab program is necessary for recovery. That should be the very first step you take as you seek to heal from your addiction.

Making AA and NA Part of Treatment

Since 2008, Florida’s behavioral health leader, Virtual-Counseling.com, is a convenient and worthwhile way to receive the support you need. This study was supported by grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (#sDA13814, DA016090, and DA020138). NA is one option that can be useful for many people, but you might also want to consider all of your options before deciding which one will work best for you. “We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over the care of God as we understood Him.” There’s a reason why the literature refuses to admit there’s an issue with it.

AA Effectiveness—Evaluating the Evidence

Drug and alcohol rehab can help you build the foundation for a solid, successful recovery. We would love the opportunity to assist you as you press on to leave your life of addiction behind. In addition, Kelly, Myers, and Brown (2005) found evidence that youth who attend young persons’ meetings rate attendance as important and are more likely to attend AA/NA. Narcotics Anonymous, often referred to as NA, is a 12-step program where people with drug addictions can find support in recovery.

narcotics anonymous vs alcoholic anonymous

Although the drop in attendance was noted, consistent attendance over time predicted favorable outcomes. It was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, and sprung up out of an overwhelming need for better treatment for alcoholics; prior to this the best and only treatment available to anyone struggling with alcoholism was the sanitarium. AA began with the principal of one alcoholic being able to help another through compassion and understanding, and around that simple principal the steps were created. Bill Wilson began writing the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1938 after his own experience with sobriety.

What about professional treatment?

At first glance, it may seem as though your choice between AA and NA should be an obvious one. However, as you dig deeper, you’ll realize that’s not the case at all. While there are some similarities between the two groups, there are also some slight differences. You might https://sober-home.org/genetic-signature-for-drug-addiction-revealed-in/ be an alcoholic who is more comfortable with healing your addiction than blaming alcohol. If that is how you feel, Narcotics Anonymous might be the better option for you. In looking at the key differences between these two groups, you can find the right one for you.

It’s also difficult to compare 12-step groups to mainstream treatments, such as cognitive behaviour therapy and motivational interviewing because it is now rare for contemporary treatment to be longer than two to three months at a time. Because alcohol and other drug problems are seen by AA/NA as an incurable disease, participation is a lifetime process. Among those who started NA and AA attendance, the majority (85% and 91%, respectively) stopped NA and AA attendance for a month or longer. Data support the idea that the 12-Step career, like the treatment career, consists of multiple interrupted episodes of participation.

narcotics anonymous vs alcoholic anonymous

Both of these fellowships, as well as any others you may come across (hundreds of Anonymous fellowships exist today) pride themselves on first and foremost wanting to help and to welcome anyone who is struggling. Sponsorship, community, honesty and altruism are the main focus of most Anonymous meetings. The idea is that one person can help another, and everyone needed help at one time. Often, there are meetings of specific fellowships that are men’s only, or women’s only, or LGBTQ only, but never are they meant to exclude anyone.

“Gradually, my drinking started squeezing all three of those out of my life,” Marlon says. In addition to some differences in philosophy, both AA and NA each have their own literature. The programs also have unique parts to their philosophy and mission. Once a new attendee is familiar with the structure of NA and has established a relationship with the group, he or she can start looking for a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who is already established in NA and well-versed in the 12 Steps who can act as a mentor.

Soon you may start to feel a sense of belonging and even make some friends. In general, the more invested you are in the NA program, the more helpful it will be for you. In a discussion meeting, members are given opportunities to speak and share their experiences.

When you are ready to attend your first meeting, visit the Narcotics Anonymous website to find a local meeting. Depending on where you live, there should be many options to choose from. It is not affiliated with any religion, government, or other organization, even if the meeting is held in a church or other religious space. This step reinforces the lessons learned in earlier steps and encourages members to use what they have learned to help others on their path to recovery. “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”

While AA is traditionally reserved for alcoholics and NA for drug addicts, those lines have mostly been erased with both types of addicts going to both types of meetings. Whether it’s AA or NA, find a meeting that you’re comfortable attending and that you believe will help you progress. As AA took off, there was a group of people who were struggling with addiction, but they lacked the type of support people received in AA.

So this has put the theoretical basis of the 12-step model into question. We now know a range of risk factors contribute to the development of alcohol and other drug problems. Genetics only accounts for about 50% of the risk of developing an alcohol disorder. And although people who have alcohol or other drug problems do sometimes have significant cognitive deficits they generally occur after alcohol and other https://sober-home.org/ drug use begins, and they are usually temporary. The 12-step movement took a step beyond the moral view and introduced the idea alcohol and other drug problems were a health issue by framing the problem as a disease. Originally designed for people with alcohol and then later other drug problems, they have now expanded to dozens of other compulsive behaviours, including overeating, gambling, sex and hoarding.

  1. NA started in California in the 1950s as an offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
  2. The Oxford Group, an evangelical Christian fellowship that flourished in the United States and England in the early 1900s, had a strong influence on the origins of AA.
  3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.

It can be hard for people who are addicted to a substance to recognize their addiction. The first step is critical because it requires you to admit you have an addiction that needs to be treated. This can also make it easier for your friends and family members to accept and admit that you have a substance abuse problem. Studies show that NAs have been effective at helping people maintain sobriety.

It has been difficult to work out how effective AA and NA are because there has not been a lot of good quality research into them. Many of the results are published by the “fellowship”, as the 12-step movement refers to itself. Many people find the program difficult to complete because of the requirements of participation. The model has remained largely unchanged since then, despite significant advances in our understanding of the brain and of alcohol and other drug problems and their treatment. Nicole Lee works as a consultant in the alcohol and other drug sector and a psychologist in private practice. She has previously been awarded funding by Australian and state governments, NHMRC and other bodies for evaluation and research into alcohol and other drug prevention and treatment.

Over time, you’ll be given another after 30 days as a token of your hard work. NA doesn’t judge members based on race, religion, gender, or social status. They don’t care about who you are, what you’ve done, or the extent of your drug problem. Their main requirement is to request joiners to have the willingness to overcome their addiction. Research shows when delivered according to a strict manual, it’s as effective as other established therapies for alcohol and other drug problems.

This is because everyone in the room has the same expectations for privacy. One of the other criticisms of 12-step groups is that the drop out is quite high – estimated at around 40% in the first year. Mainstream treatment in Australia has a dropout rate of around 34%.

Means to increase participation in AA/NA may be quite helpful for teens. In addition, attempts to instruct older AA/NA members on how to talk with teens in the program may be of great assistance. For example, adults may need to tolerate teens having some fun while reading the 12 steps or traditions at meetings, and may need to learn to say such things as that they wish they had joined the program when they were younger.